To all those
who want
to change
the chemical industry
raise your hand!

Our promise
Operational solutions for a sustainable industrial chemistry. At the origin of Alysophil's adventure, an observation was made. On the one hand, we have a growing demand for more and more sophisticated chemicals. On the other hand, our world has very high environmental expectations, which puts so much pressure on the chemical industry. Fortunately, technology is advancing and providing solutions to remedy this dilemma. The Alysophil team, made up of experts in their field, offers solutions for implementing a new industrial chemistry. The pillars of our technology are continuous flow chemistry, artificial intelligence and synthesis from bio-based materials.
Our vision
"We are researchers, we are chemists, we are industrialists. What do we want for the 21st century? Around the world, faced with environmental expectations, the chemical industry no longer appears sustainable: its public image is deteriorating as much as its ability to quickly implement breakthrough solutions. Yet our world is totally dependent on the products of the chemical industry: we simply can’t stop producing.
If the challenge is to always do more, with less impact, then what do we do? How can chemistry become a sustainable industry?
Our proposal is an industrial chemistry with a low environmental impact : a continuous flow chemistry, a frugal approach and a reduced time-to-market, thanks to our Artificial Intelligence technology. A new paradigm as radical as the arrival of 3D printing in the manufacturing field. Let’s imagine the analogy: what if, like a 3D printer, you were offered a chemical printer? What if - by the agility it can provide - our flow chemistry could move the chemical sector towards a Chemical as a Service model? Let’s imagine the installation in your factory of a 25m2 micro-plant - the size of a shipping container - able to produce up to 3,000 tons per year?
We know how to scale up, from the laboratory to the operational production unit, because we are industrialists. This micro-plant, ChemPocket, exists today for your business. We designed it on the three pillars of 21st century chemistry - Safety, Environment, Economy - and the idea of doing more with less. From flavors and fragrances to energetic molecules, we know how to very quickly generate high value-added molecule candidates, and supply the production unit. This is a revolution. Within the context of the Covid-19 crisis, at a time when the question of industrial sovereignty has become a priority, our proposal also represents a real opportunity for the relocation or creation of key chemical activities.
Let's create together the industrial chemistry of the 21st century!”

Industrial chemistry in the 21st century should no longer look like the one of the 19th century
Philippe Robin, fondateur et CEO
Chemistry has enabled mankind to make progress in all fields, from materials to health. Demand is increasing, applications are growing, while a trend towards risk aversion is developing in populations (environment, health risks, safety, scarcity of raw materials, etc.), leading to more ambitious regulations and constraints than in other industries.
Even though industrial processes have made enormous progress in terms of safety and efficiency, their design has remained fundamentally the same.
For several years now, new technological solutions have been appearing which will revolutionise the way molecules are produced.
Alysophil is a part of this change : to offer innovative solutions for the well-being of Humanity.
More chemistry with less chemistry ?
What if our combined technologies of flow chemistry and artificial intelligence made it possible to do more with less? More performance, more safety, less energy, less investment, less waste, less environmental impact?